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Work packages
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Work packages

The project is structured in 7 well-integrated work packages, each headed by a WP leader (see figure). WP1, WP2, and WP3 aims at exploring the ‘black box’ of artificial recharge of aquifers, providing in-depth knowledge on factors controlling the fate of pathogens/antibiotic resistance, organic chemicals, and inorganic nutrients during artificial recharge. In the subsequent WPs, this new knowledge is integrated into novel technologies to replenish drinking water resources. The first step is taken in WP4, where knowledge gained in WP1-3 will be exploited to identify measures for optimal management and control of artificial recharge processes including the design of the most effective barriers. The next step is taken in WP5, where the research results are integrated in mathematical modelling to evaluate technology performance and give feedback for further optimisation. In WP 6, based on the results from the modelling, the best performing barriers will be selected for further testing at field scale. WP7 is devoted to dissemination and project management.


Work packages (WPs)

WP1 - Pathogens and antibiotic resistance (WP leader: Senior researcher Caterina Levantesi, CNR-IRSA) aims to identify key factors controlling the spreading of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in aquifer recharge and reactive barrier materials.

WP2 - Organic chemicals (WP leader: Professor Jens Aamand, GEUS) aims to explore degradation and sorption of selected organic micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and pesticide degradation products) at different redox conditions and temperature regimes.

WP3 - Inorganic nutrients (WP leader: Professor Sara Hallin, SLU) aims to explain underlying mechanisms controlling the fate of inorganic nutrients N and P in artificial recharge processes. The main focus is the microbiological transformations, but regarding P also sorption processes are relevant.

WP4 - Steering and stimulation of processes (WP leader senior researcher Christian N. Albers, GEUS) aims to integrate the knowledge on individual processes gained in WP1-3 to develop and be able to steer barriers that simultaneously prevent leaching of pathogens/antibiotic resistance, inorganic nutrients, and organic pollutants to groundwater aquifers.

WP5- Transport modelling (WP leader: professor Xavier Sanchez-Vila UPC) aims to integrate the input parameters achieved in WP1-4 in mathematical modelling to simulate pathogen transport, removal of inorganic nutrients and organic chemicals during artificial recharge processes, and passage through designed reactive barriers.

WP6- Field investigations (WP leader: Professor Jesus Carrera, CSIC) aims at testing the concepts developed in WP4 and further modelled in WP5 at field site artificial recharge facilities.

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